The Three Rs

Okay so we always hear "reduce, reuse, recycle," but what do reduce, and reuse really mean? If your family is eco-friendly at all you probably just throw all your cardboard and plastic in your recycle bins, like my family. But what about reduce and reuse? The three Rs are arranged by the most important, so what can we do to reduce? Use less plastic, for example instead of buying new water bottles everyday get metal bottles. They keep your water cool and the planet clean! You can find them at most grocery stores. Now the important subject of lunch boxes, I know when you get older you don't want to be the only kid embarrassingly dragging a lunch box to lunch. Like everyone else I knew I started bringing paper bags, I'd use the same one a couple days in a row and then toss it. Now I realize what a waste that is. Not only was I already using paper, but all my snacks were in plastic bags. I mean my family does recycle but why not reduce first. So I decided to stop using all that paper and put my lunch in a smaller pocket in my bag. If you don't have an extra pocket in your backpack or purse, then why not get a $1 reusable bag from places like Target. You can throw your lunch in there and put that in your bag! Now that brings us to reuse, find constructive uses for “waste” materials. Did you know your family can give away, donate or sell items you no longer need? That way they aren't being wasted, because someone else will use them. Check out sites like "Where Should I Take My?" to get informed.
CDs/DVDs and their cases:
You can use CD spindels as small table top bins to store your things!

Dryer Sheets:

Your parents might make you do the laundry. You know those annoying dryer sheets well there's a great way to reuse them. Dryer sheets can be use to clean your iron; when it's set on medium just rub a dryer sheet against it. Be careful not to burn yourself! If you put dryer sheets in your drawers it will keep your clothing smelling great!
Plastic Containiers-
Start your own mini garden in your house!
Plastic yogurt containers make great starter pots for seedlings
Plastic Newspaper Bags
So it's pouring out and your parent hands you an umbrella to take to school. You know when you get there that it will be soaking wet and you don't want to get your books wet. The plastic bags that newspapers are delivered in make for a great umbrella bag (when you have to carry your wet closed umbrella.)
So kids our age are very electronically oriented, don't you hate when you're typing and you have to hunch forward to reach the keyboard? And then after a while your back starts to hurt. Did you know you can use the corks that come on wine bottles as a laptop stand.
You might have lose pens or earbud cables for your ipod laying around your bag. Isn't it the worst when you can't find a pen and have to dig through your bag or when your earbud cables get twisted? Use those little twist ties you around bread bags etc. to keep your pens and earbuds together. Just wrap the twist ties around them!